Auto Log User's Guide

The Auto Log is a Windows program for automobile record-keeping. It tracks business and personal expenses, information on maintenance, and insurance facts that could be needed on the road. Auto Log prints reports on car use from data entered manually. The program comes up running, ready for your trip data. Windows that you select with file folder tabs display all memorized data.

The Auto Log is provided on one 3.5 inch HD (1.44MB) diskette. It operates on a 386 or higher IBM or compatible PC with Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, 4MB RAM, VGA or higher graphic capabilities, and a Windows compatible mouse. It can run on a hard disk drive with a minimum of 2MB available. It outputs to any Windows-supported printer.

Insert diskette in floppy drive A (or B).
Windows 3.1: From Program Manager, click on File, select Run, type a:\install.exe (or b:\)
Windows 95: From Start, click on Run, select Browse, A, click on INSTALL. It will install ready to run including its icon.

Displays the vehicle whose file is open.

General tab Your area to record specifications and details you want to remember about the car using the system's word processor. Divided into three windows.
Vehicle Information window Plenty of room for information and remarks on vehicle and owner.
Insurance Information window Room for insurance information and remarks that would be useful to you at the time of an unforeseen event.
Maintenance Information window Room for information that could be helpful to someone not familiar with the car's specifics. Typically you would enter details such as type and weight of oil you use.

Fuel tab This screen asks for entry of the date, time, mileage, number of gallons, and total cost. The program sorts by mileage. It calculates the MPG and cost/gallon. If the tank is filled, mark Y or yes in the Fillup column and the Auto Log calculates MPG. Any number of entries can be made per year. At the end of the year, it is good practice to record a Dec. 31 final mileage entry. Open the new year with this mileage.

Maintenance tab A screen of six columns that you complete in any order and the system will organize by date, describing each item of maintenance expense, mileage, cost, and maintenance period (MP) or maintenance miles (MM). The latter two elements remind you when it is time to get work done. Any number of entries can be made per year.

Business tab A screen of six columns that you complete itimizing date, time, destination/reason, and start and end mileage for each trip. The system automatically calculates the mileage for each trip. Any number of entries can be made per year. This form satisfies the requirements of the IRS. Completion of this information qualifies as an IRS record of expense for car expenses as they relate to business. Business trips can include running errands requested by your employer, and self-employed commuting to a place of business for contracts of less than two weeks duration. These expenses can be tax deductions. Contact your tax preparer for advice.

NOTE: Insurance premiums and auto license fees are vehicle expenses according to IRS Publication 917. A copy of this publication, Dept. of the Treasury catalog #63243Z, is available from the Government Printing Office. Contact your tax preparer for advice on method of itimizing the cost of the car and its financing.

Summary tab You toggle between a monthly summary or an annual summary using an icon. The program automatically completes these reports from your individual entries. The first window is a list by month of running totals of expenses for fuel and maintenance, total gallons and business mileage and the total expenses for each month. The annual total or average of 14 items, giving the number of months averaged. It totals vehicle mileage and averages MPG, and fuel cost per gallon. It averages cost per mile for fuel and maintenance and gives their total. It averages monthly mileage, fuel cost, maintenance cost and total cost It figures percentage of business use, provides total business expenses, and shows the IRS tax deduction at the standard rate you have entered.

Exit icon Shuts down the Auto Log program. If data has not been saved, a Confirm warning appears.
Open icon Opens a vehicle file of Auto Log data.
Save icon Saves on the disk and in the name of your choice using standard Windows process.
Print icon Prints any or all of the following selections: General Information, Fuel Records, Maintenance Records, Business Records, Trip Analyzer, Report - Monthly Summary, Report - Annual Summary, Blank Fuel Form, Blank Maintenance Form, Blank Business Miles Form. Printer Setup uses standard Windows Process.
Delete Row icon Appears only for Fuel, Maintenance and Business tabs to allow deletion of a line.

New Vehicle Starts an empty database for a new vehicle.
Open File Opens a saved Auto Log vehicle data file.
Save File Saves data to disk.
Print Prints any or all of the following selections: General Information, Fuel Records, Maintenance Records, Business Records, Trip Analyzer, Report - Monthly Summary, Report - Annual Summary, Blank Fuel Form, Blank Maintenance Form, Blank Business Miles Form. Printer Setup uses standard Windows Process
Exit Exits program. If data has not been saved, a warning appears to confirm your intentions.

IRS Allowance The screen used to enter the IRS cents per mile deduction. 1997 value is $0.31.

User Manual Prints this manual.
About Auto Log Information on the program author.
Getting Assistance Phone, fax and electronic help information numbers.

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