Driving more now and enjoying it less? Change all that with the new Co-Pilot ... the system that makes your driving easier.

smily carNOTE: Co-Pilot is not commercially available.

Drive the way that's best for you, your car, and your pocket. Read a description of the Co-Pilot, a computer peripheral that rides with you in the car, gathers information, then later communicates with your PC computer. It works with Auto Log software to reduce data into meaningful reports and graphs about the way you use your car.

uncle_samBusiness/commercial drivers, sales people: automatically get your vehicle operating expense reports in a form accepted by the IRS. Read Mario's story.
US mapAutomatically track and report your operating costs - from the shortest trips across town, to trips across the nation. Prepare reports for company use of your personal car.
stop signal Commute most comfortably and economically; minimize time spent at stoplights. Gather the data you need to choose the best routes. Read Flossie Lou's story.
gas pumpDrive your car for best mileage. Co-Pilot watches your driving, and lets you know what is most practical - in detail and in summary.
Check out the Co-Pilot's companion Auto Log software. If you don't have a Co-Pilot, the Auto Log can perform its magic with manual entry of mileage, costs and descriptions. You can download your own copy of the program from the Auto Log page.
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Copyright © 1996, 1997 by Serena Industries Inc.
1180-A Aster Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 296-7444
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