Co-Pilot Driving Analyzer System

co-pilot The Co-Pilot is an intelligent computer peripheral that rides with you in the car and monitors the car's speed vs. time. It replaces the written notes of fuel and maintenance costs and mileage that always get lost in your glove box. The system gathers information, then later communicates with an IBM PC or compatible computer where the data is turned into information about your car and how you drive it. It is portable, powered by internal batteries, and it lets you know when they need changing.

co-pilot A new information appliance The Co-Pilot is a genius of a companion to have with you in your car! It gives you control, as never before, of the time you spend in your car, and the money you spend on it. Drivers often follow patterns to their destinations because they feel it is the fastest or shortest way. It may not be the best way, however. It may waste fuel or time with the car not moving. Read Flossie Lou's story. Checking out the best route between points requires exacting time, distance, and cost measurements, and it can be tedious. With the Co-Pilot it's all automatic.

traffic A tool for business, commuting and pleasure trips It provides information that results in less stress on you, your car and the environment. It analyzes your driving as it relates to your car's performance, and tells you how to drive most practically. It gives you expenses, performance and driving activity reports. You can even set its built-in speed alarm and fuel-low alarm to prevent unwanted trip interruptions.

Tracks deductable expenses It produces an expense summary approved by the IRS to back up period end tax reports. Maintenance costs, insurance premiums and license fees are deductable expenses according to IRS Publication 917. This 28 page booklet, Dept. of Treasury Catalog #63243Z is available from the Government Printing Office. Read Mario's story.

A unique interface between you, your car and your computer The system monitors the car's road speed and time. The Co-Pilot provides data in the car in real time on an LCD display, and it dumps data to a computer for graphical and numerical reports. It correlates fuel amount and cost and other manually-entered data with the data it senses automatically. The system also tells you when things change in your car. For example, a decrease in gas mileage could mean the car is ready for maintenance. Co-Pilot even provides a printout for your mechanic to review.

A price/performance breakthrough A proprietary data compression technique allows the Co-Pilot to monitor functions over long time periods without using expensive system memory. It presents information previously derived by systems priced at thousands of dollars, which were available only to vehicle manufacturers and the racing industry. Now for a fraction of that price, any automobile owner can monitor his or her driving habits and car performance.

sensor Installation The system can be installed in a few minutes, and installation can be performed by anyone handy with a wrench. A magnet fixes to the drive shaft or other convenient location that rotates with the wheels. A speed sensor installs near the magnet and views its movement. A simple bracket holds the sensor in place. The sensor connects to the Co-Pilot with a telephone-type cable.

If you choose not to install the sensor, Co-Pilot can be used stand-alone, with mileage data entered manually.

Auto Log software Links the Co-Pilot to the computer

Co-Pilot Driving Analyzer System Parts include Co-Pilot display, Speed sensor, Driving Analyzer software, Computer cable and adapter

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